Monday, December 20, 2010

Bookworm's Bedroom

Today Bookworm's balloon shade was installed in her room. I LOVE it! I've had this fabric for some time, and have debated as what type of window treatment to do. It's a rather wide window (around 74" wide), and I came up with the idea to have bookcases built on either side with a bench under the window. That'll be a project for this spring;-)

I may not have told y'all, but I've designed a few pieces of custom furniture. Here's one of them. It's a 3 piece bookcase. All 3 pieces fit into a base, then they're screwed together. Doc Lancelot and his dad made this for me. They did a great job, didn't they?

(close up of doors)

I'll probably paint both the bookcase and the chest of drawers in a lighter color. Both pieces were done when we lived in our Georgian house, also shown here. They seem a little dated with the faux finish.

(side of chest of drawers)

(close up of chest of drawers)

I added Target's Liberty of London pieces to the blue comforter we already had.

There's still lots of finishing touches to do. There's absolutely nothing on the walls and she also needs a rug. I'm inspired to finish things up now that the adorable shade is up.

Have a great Monday!


  1. I can't believed you designed that shelving unit. It's amazing!!

  2. It looks great - love the throw pillows.

  3. need one of those bookcase units!! MAybe a couple--we have so many books and so few bookcases! Beautiful D!!!

  4. Hi! I just stumbled upon your blog and noticed you said you loved Booches burgers... Are you from CoMo? I am a grad student at Mizzou. Small world! Love your blog, hope you and your family have a Merry Christmas!


  5. Thanks everyone!

    Hi Mollie. Yes, I am in CoMo. Small world for sure! Thanks for stopping by!

  6. I love those curtains!! The colors are just perfect! And that furniture is beautiful!!
